Skoda Giant Pram

Skoda has unveiled it's Mega Man Pram and it might be the coolest buggy in the world.The pram stands at two metres high and comes complete with wing mirrors, hydraulic suspension, 20 inch alloy wheels, oversized brake callipers, anti-stress grips and even a headlamp.The buggy also contains 'sports-style upholstery'. .Skoda claims that the Man Pram provides 'the ultimate baby transportation experience'. Unfortunately, the pram won't be available in shops any time soon, it was created as a one-off prototype for a new Skoda advertBut you could still own it! Skoda are planning on giving the pram away in a competition.Although if it was to go on sale, it would have a royal price tag. It's estimated that the buggy would set you back more than £8500.


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